Snowflakes Galore: wearables and a tutorial

We've gone a little snowflake crazy around here-we hung snowflakes and guess what happened over night? It snowed! Wahoo, it's about time!

So here is some more snowflake fun: 
I admit that this may show signs of obsession, but I figured out how to get 7 snowflakes out of 1 piece of paper! see directions below :)

From my studio: Wearing snowflakes in her hair

For more "ouchless headbands" and hair bow styles click here.

From my shop: Keeping baby's legs warm from the cold with Lava Legs 

(click here to see more color choices)

Here is a conservationalist-style snowflake tutorial: How to get 7 snowflakes out of 1 piece of paper!  3-4 of these snowflakes are approximately the same size, which makes them perfect for making paper snowballs.  To see the paper snowballs tutorial, click here.

Here are the little beauties.  The "L" on the right is for "leftover."  That is all the paper that was left after cutting the 7 squares out for your snowflakes!

First measure over 5 inches and fold down. 

After you cut that square out, fold the right corner down, as you can see here:

Then cut it out.

Believe it or not, you will be able to get 5 more snowflakes still!   
Start by folding the top left corner down.
Cut it out.
Now work from the other end of the strip.  Fold down, and cut it out.
Do the same thing again, folding the corner down, and cut it out.
This fold (photo below) was made by taking the bottom left square from the above photo and folding it up.  Then cut it out.
Fold your last bit of paper and trim the extra.    You will just have a "L" leftover!
Here is what you have made so far:
Now go crazy folding and turning these into a snowstorm!  To make them 3D, see my tutorial here.

And there you go! Lots of snowstorms in the making and wearing! Enjoy your Little Project :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool idea, I have added a link to your 7 snowflakes out of one piece of paper in Paper Snowflakes for Children.

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